of the National Speleological Society

Minutes 4/19/24

Jersey Lily’s; Roanoke, VA



Nick Schmalenberger – Chair

Dave Socky – Vice Chair

Marian McConnell – Secretary

Carl Cornett

Tom & Marylou* Beaman

Barry Ferguson

Helen Ferguson (sub)

Lynn Ott

MarySue Socky

Susan Burr

Trish Geiger

Cyndi Hutchison

Jeff Huffman

John Pearson

Jacob Whitlock*



Trip Reports:


March trip reports:

·         Dave Socky:

o   3/23: Maxwelton Cave, WV. Participants included David Socky, Joe Zokaites, and Alina Valop. Team 2: Nikki Fox, Alex Faunce, and Eli Meyer. We went to H Canyon to mop up leads. We were trying to get 600 feet to get the Great Savannah Cave System to 54 miles. But only got 467 feet. Next time. It was a good 13-hour trip.

o   4/10: Pasco Dig, VA. Participants included David Socky, Joe Zokaites, Amos Mincin, Jim Schurman, Keith Sweeney, and Rick Lambert. Another dig on the Pasco Dig (temporarily named Das Boot Cave). We made about 7 feet of progress, doing about 5 or 6 technical digs. The way on looks grim. Amos did recover my boot, plus he was able to snag my dropped camera case.

o   4/13: McClung Cave, WV. Participants included David Socky, Nikki Fox, Kelly

o   McCarthy, and Rob Wardell. Went into Lightner entrance and to the Lower Gymnasium dig lead. We got through the dig with a rock hammer and a sledge. It was a 19-foot- deep drop, vertical required. We surveyed 633 feet of new cave, but only some of it was virgin. The Great Savannah Cave System is now over 54 miles long!

·         Susan Burr: 3/16: Wild sections of Lost World Caverns, Lewisburg, WV – Susan Burr, Jeff Huffman (leader), Kelly Perkins, Abbey Mays (guest), Alexander Koch (guest), Logan and Erin Van Hon (guests). We did the normal route we usually do. We saw Lots & Lots of pretty formations. Unfortunately, we don't know the names of the different areas. I do know that apparently the latter section we went to was called the Sewer. I am just not sure what part of that latter section. One part was a fun narrow passage with a few slightly difficult parts. It ended for most at a small waterfall, however, Jeff & Logan climbed above the waterfall & did part of the upper section. Once out of that passage, Jeff, Logan & I opted to do a just for fun small passage that has a very tight & difficult hole to get out of. The guys had more trouble than me since they are bigger. Lots of

pictures taken there! Our last section was through a crawl with lots of mud sculptures. It ended at some more pretty formations. Then we had to go through another super tight & this time very wet hole to get out. Luckily, we saved this for last so were weren't wet for very long since we headed straight out. We did notice that Mike Phelps had a group there doing Grapevine Pit. On the way out of the tourist part of the cave, we got to see 2 cavers coming down the ropes. I also got to speak with Mike for a bit inside the gift shop. He invited Jeff, Kelly & me to come up to see the new rigging Steve Silverberg has come up with. Our overall time in the cave was just under 4 hours. We thanked Steve multiple times for allowing us to come. I also discussed with Steve the possibility of us trying to come sometime during the summer to do Grapevine Pit. [This, with some pics, will be included in the May Carbide Dump.]

·         Nick Schmalenberger:

o   3/24: Dig with Martin DiLeggi, blowing air.

o   4/17: Climbing at River Rock Climbing gym with Dave Socky. We can’t use our caving harnesses when climbing, but they let us use theirs. May plan another night in 2 weeks if enough interest. Perhaps we can have a vertical practice there on a regular basis too?

·         Trish Geiger: 3/22: Ana Te Pahu on Easter Island in Chile – lave tube.


This Month’s trips – 

ü  Trip to Virginia Museum of Natural History in Martinsville, VA for the annual Reptile Festival, Saturday April 20th.


ü  BRG trip to Goodwin Cave, Roanoke Co. VA.  Beginner trip: basic cave gear required.  You might have to crawl in cold water. This cave is gated. Permission has been received for BRG to visit the cave. Meet 8:30a @ HROM. Jeff Huffman is leader.  Contact Susan Burr, 540-580-9409 for more info. After the caving trip, and if there is interest, there will be a ‘pick up’ vertical practice, to be held sometime Sunday afternoon at HROM.  


Next Month’s grotto trip – 5/18 to Scott Hollow, WV Omega Loop; meet at HROM at 8:30a.



Treasury Report – Kelly Perkins, Treasurer – Note – the NSS advised us to void the check for the brick for Al Stewart – it was lost in the changing of the bookkeepers so currently our books are up to date. We need to resubmit the check since it was lost; then the brick will be made.


$    110.96         Cave Bucks

$        2.00         Conservation Fund

$    144.12         Equipment Fund

$ 6,936.09        General Fund

$ 7,193.17        Total Funds



        Newsletter –There was no April Carbide Dump newsletter. Note:  the USPS is raising its rates so postage will be going up effective July 14th for the few newsletters we mail out. [The new rates include a 5-cent increase in the price of a First-Class Mail Forever stamp from 68 cents to 73 cents.]

        Membership – has 53 members & 5 subscribers. The membership list and cards are delayed until the new membership card design is approved.

        ROCKS – Active in Allegheny County every Wednesday and the 4th weekend of each month.

        Safety & Techniques – No rescues this past month that we are aware of. Note: per NCRC, they are reinstating the rule that locking carabiners must be used on cow’s tails (QAS – quick attachment safety’s).


Membership Proposals:  None.


Old Business 

·         Updates for back of BRG membership cards to make current. – Dave has the info and will put on the new membership cards.

·         Blue Ridge Grotto Google Groups -; as of 4/13/24 we have had 42 members sign up. That leaves about 10 (+ 5 subscribers) who have not.  The Officers have made individual calls and sent messages to those people to give them a final chance.  If they don’t accept the invitation, they will no longer receive the emails (meeting announcements, newsletters, etc.)

·         CaveSim –Funding was arranged for CaveSim for the July 12-13 dates – See ADDENDUM AT THE END OF THESE MINUTES FOR INFO FROM DAVE JACKSON! Note that CaveSim will be in Roanoke July 12 & 13 (Fri and Sat) and in Blacksburg on July 14 (Sun).

They are also looking at GoFest in October. Here is what we know so far:

o   From Dylan:  Below is a breakdown in pricing. It is significantly higher than the July dates as CaveSim won’t be on tour and will be traveling from Colorado where they are based. I understand that the total amount is intimidating. I’m looking at getting multiple cave clubs and businesses to combine donations to sponsor CaveSim at GO Fest.


§  Per Day Rate: $1,958

§  Travel Expenses: $2.75/mile

§  Cave Sim would run Sat and Sun at GO FEST

§  Per Day Rate: $1,958 * 2 days = $3,916

§  Travel Expenses: $2.75/mile * 3,066 miles = $8,431.50 (round trip cost)

§  Total Cost: $12,347.50

·         BRG stickers – see info Kelly provided at Officers meeting April 16th. (See below in New Business)

·         Final Votes for favorite 5 Carbide Dump covers.

New Business:

·         BRG Officers (Nick Schmalenberger, Dave Socky, Kelly Perkins, Marian McConnell) met on 4/16 at Wasena Tap Room. We discussed:


·         BRG CAVING EQUIPMENT – MarySue provided a list of caving equipment we have on hand. Dave gave it to Nick. It lists helmets, lights, bash (First Aid) kits, etc. We need to set up a date and time to go through it all and see about replacing/upgrading it; especially the helmets and lights.  Nick suggested we have a BRG day where we do that and also practice some vertical work off the tree in the Socky’s backyard. Marian suggested perhaps in early November.


·         COMMUNICATION – At the next BRG meeting we need to remind everyone that if they have a question or concern, to contact any/all of the 4 Officers: Nick, Dave, Kelly, Marian. Also, anyone with questions, concerns, or who just wants to come to our monthly Officers’ meetings at the Wasena Tap Room Grill; are always welcome, they just need to let us know at least a day or two in advance so we have enough chairs. The next Officers’ meeting is Tuesday, May 14th at 5:30p.


·         PROGRAM FOR BRG APRIL 19 MEETING: Nick said they had a good vertical practice at the cliffs behind Hanging Rock Orange Market – himself, his mom, Susan, Doug, Morgan, Logan, etc. He’ll put together some photos to share as the program; which may also encourage others to come out on Sunday April 21st after their trip to Goodwin’s cave.


o   Kelly provided samples of the stickers along with a price list.  Samples were passed around of the 3 stickers, and the info will be shared in the Carbide Dump so everyone can see them before we vote on how many to buy.



















o   Also, a sample flyer (4x6) that will have our a QRC code for our BRG website: for contact information. It would be $40 for 250 copies (color, 2-sided). These can be used at public events like GoFest, or at the River Rock Climbing Wall, and other venues and events. Kelly/Dave will create a “final” version to share in Carbide Dump so everyone can see and we can vote on how many to order.

















·         PROGRAM FOR MAY 17TH BRG MEETING: Dave will confirm guest speaker Dr. Eric Stanley about cave rescues.


·         GOOGLE MAIL BRG GROUP: The group set up is for BRG members only. MarySue has a list of prospective members and exchanges (other Grottos) that she and Dave are weeding out to make current, so they will continue to get a copy of the message(s). If anyone wants to share a trip or activity with a non-member, they can forward it individually to that person(s) “ad hoc”.



        Healthy Caving – let’s be healthy going underground.  Rules were posted in the DUMP. 

        Please send verified cave info updates for to Brad Blasé.

        Winter closure dates for bat caves in West Virginia is September 1 – May 15.  

        Winter cave closure dates for bat caves in Virginia is October 15 – April15.

        Catawba Murder Hole Cave is CLOSED – Dano and Marian are still awaiting final resolution of some landowner issues.



        April 20 – Trip to Martinsville Reptile Festival at Virginia Museum of Natural History

        April 21 – BRG Caving trip to Goodwin’s, then vertical practice at Hanging Rock

        April 26-28 – VAR “Earth Day” Restoration Sinkhole Cleanout – Bland, VA. Reward:  Trip into nearby Coon Cave, VA.

        May 3-5 – Spring VAR at East Fork Campground; Durbin, WV. Registration now open.

        May 17 – Next BRG meeting at Jersey Lily’s; dinner 6p, meeting 6:30p

        May 17-19 – 2024 Spring MAR Field Meet at McClure Bean Soup Festival Grounds; McClure, PA.

        May 22-28 – Speleofest, Lone Star Cave Preserve, Bonnieville, KY hosted by Louisville Grotto

        June 2-8 – Virginia Cave Week.

        July 1-5, 2024 – NSS Convention in Sewanee, TN

        Nick asked if anyone would be interested in going to Camps Gulf cave post-NSS Convention?

        2024 TAG will be in Union Grove AL on the Lazy G Ranch; date and details TBD.

        4th Appalachian Karst symposium November 7-10 in Lewisburg, in conjunction with WVCC annual banquet, with field trips, speakers, etc. (per John Pearson)


Cold Beer!  7:31p


Program:  Highlights from last weekend’s BRG Vertical Session. Plus, photos of recent caving adventures.


Minutes by Marian McConnell






April 22, 2024

Hi everyone,

Thank you for exchanging emails about the CaveSim programs in Virginia this July!  I am including Zenah Orndorff on this email because Zenah is working with me to coordinate the entire trip.  Marian, to answer your question, we will be in Blacksburg on Sunday, July 14th.  Here is the most recent schedule that Zenah put together:









July 1-7








July 8-14








July 15-21



I expect that it will indeed be helpful for us to have volunteers.  For instance, cavers can help with the CaveSim SRT tower (the 12-foot-tall yellow A-frame that you've seen at NSS Conventions in the past), with the CaveSim squeezebox, and with teaching kids about cave conservation before/after they explore the CaveSim trailer.  Is there additional information that would be helpful for me to provide at this point?


Thank you again, and have a good evening, Dave